Above it all, we are a family dental practice. we have extensive experience in teaching children how to feel comfortable about seeing their dentist and caring for their dental health. Our encompassing approach to pediatric care involves both teaching and promoting healthy dental habits to your child and providing you with the educational resources necessary to keep your child’s smile healthy and beautiful.
Good dental care begins with children between the ages of 6 months and a year.
Speak more clearly
Chew more easily
And feel more confident about his/her appearance
Early examination and preventative care will protect your child’s smile now and in the future.
Pediatric Dental Emergencies
Below, we have listed some useful tips in handling various pediatric dental emergencies.

Immediately clean the area of the tooth in question. Apply ice to the face to control swelling if necessary. DO NOT apply heat or aspirin to the gum where the toothache is occurring. Rinse mouth with warm water and use floss to dislodge any food that may have gotten stuck around the tooth. Persistent tooth pain is nothing to mess around with, as it can often require root canal treatment to fix and only gets worse when left untreated.
Don’t hesitate to call us immediately if he/she has a stubborn toothache.

Knocked-out Permanent Tooth
Don’t lose the tooth! Time is the crucial factor in saving a knocked-out tooth. If the tooth must be rinsed, only use water, never use soap or scrub the tooth. Only transport the tooth in milk or a cup full of saliva from the mouth where the tooth is from. If the tooth has no fractures and is still solid, a dentist can attempt to place it back into its socket if you seek professional help for the situation immediately.

Knocked-out Baby Tooth
Typically, no treatment is necessary. Baby teeth are not replanted into the mouth because that can cause damage to developing permanent tooth under it.

Chipped/Fractured Permanent Tooth
The longer you wait to contact your dentist after chipping a tooth, the higher the rate of infection is. Rinse the mouth out with warm water and bring the chipped piece with you if you can find it.

Possible Broken or Fractured Jaw
Prevent the jaw from moving around and take your child to the nearest emergency room.
Dental Health Pages
Crowns (Same Day)
Cavities & Fillings
Partial Dentures
Full Dentures
Laughing Gas
Intramuscular Sedation (IV)
Oral Sedation
Lidocaine Injections
Single Tooth Implants
Multiple Teeth Implants
Implant Supported Dentures
Bone Grafting
Teeth Whitening
Clear Alingers
Bonding & Contouring
Deep Cleanings, Laser Therapy & Anti-Bacterial Therapy
Semi-Annual Check Ups
Dental CT Scans & X-Rays
Professional Regular Cleanings
Root Canals
Wisdom Teeth
Bone Grafting
Traditional Braces
Clear Aligners